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3D Print
We have opened a service of large dimension 3D printing for you.
With our help you can come up with quick conceptual solutions for your projects or useful products for your home!
We make 3D items for business or home use. We can also make spare parts which can also be measured and plotted at your request
Print materials
PLA. Glede na dogovor tudi drugi materiali.
We offer a wide selection of print materials, if the material or color is out of stock, we can supply it within your request within a few days!
Technical info
Small and large models can be made
Print size 450 * 450 * 470mm. High quality print capability at as low as 0.12mm!
Model creation
We support all possible 3D model formats
You can supply the print models yourself or we also offer you 3D modelingat affordable prices!
We have opened a service of large dimension 3D printing for you.
30 min of print = 1€
V primeru nakupa večjih količin printa ali izdelave modela + printa se dogovorimo za posebni popusti!
30 minut printa = 2 €
Programska oprema nam omogoča izračun porabe materiala in čas tiska zato lahko ceno izveste še pred začetkom.
Za večja naročila
30 minut printa = 1,00 €
3D model with its weight of 26g, that needs 1,5 h to print costs 7 eur
If you decide to purchase large quantities of print or production of model + print we offer
3D modeliranje
3D tisk
V primeru, da modela še nimate., vam ponujamo tudi storitve kvalitetnega 3D modeliranja unikatnih izdelkov po vaši želji. Cena 3D tiska se v primeru izbire paketa 3D modeliranje + 3D tiska zelo zmanjša in je stvar dogovora s stranko (glede na velikost projekta).
The prices above are for 3D prints with PLA filament. The price of some special materials is 2-3x the price of the PLA filament (depending on the material)
Zgoraj navedene cene veljajo za 3D print s PLA filamentom. Cena nekaterih posebnih materialov predstavlja 2-3x ceno PLA filamenta (odvisno od materiala)
Examples of basic models made for printing for everyday use:
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